Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Retinal Implants

Reasearcher at Germany's Tuebingen Univercity succesfully tested implants

Alowing Blind people to see shape and objects.

retinal implant is a biomedical implant technology currently being developed by a number of private companies and research institutions worldwide. The implant is meant to partially restore useful vision to people who have lost their vision due to degenerative eye conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa or macular degeneration. There are two types of retinal implants currently in clinical trials:Epiretinal Implants (on the retina) and Subretinal Implants (behind the retina). Retinal implants provide subject with low resolution images by electrically stimulating retinal cells. Such images may be sufficient for restoring specific visual abilities, such as light perception and object recognition.

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